Investment plans guaranteed
to help you make your money grow
For this portfolio, funds ranging from N50,000 to N1,000,000 can be invested in the Cooperative. The funds can be cashed out 1st week in December.
If perhaps funds are needed anytime in the financial year, one-month notice will be given to that effect and Principal plus accrued interest can be accessed.
Funds received between 1st to 15th of the month counts for same month while after the 15th funds counts for the succeeding month.

This monthly savings runs from the month of January to October.
The funds are expected to flow into the Cooperative’s account between the 1st and the 15th of each month for it to count for that month.
Any funds that come after the 15th will only accrue interest in the succeeding month and by the 1st week of December, both the Principal and accrued interest is cashed out.
This portfolio runs as a savings that is very convenient, you put in monthly an amount that you can easily tuck away.
It is a long-term investment and you are not expected to cash out the funds but after Six (6) months, you have access to borrow up to 2 or 3 times what has been saved over time. Monthly interest accrues on the savings.

This monthly savings runs from the month of January to October. The fundsare expected to flow into the Cooperative’s account between the 1st and the 15th of each month for it to count for that month.
Any funds that come after the 15th will only accrue interest in the succeeding month and by the 1st week of December, both the Principal and accrued interest is cashed out.
The funds in this portfolio, comes in multiples of N20,000 and for as many tranches that can be comfortably managed. Funds can come in at different times of the year but within the receipt window of between 1st to 15th of the month. The portfolio is open to the categories listed below:
- Members
- Non-Members
Towards the end of the financial year, interest is being shared amongst the Investors in the proportion of investment.

This is your portion or shareholding in the Cooperative. A unit of the shares is sold at N1,000.00 and allotted shares shall be sold per time.
When it comes to voting into elective post in the Cooperative, it is one man, one vote as your shares admits you vote.
It is expedient that every member holds the number of shares so desired from a minimum of five units.
Dividends accrued on the shares shall be announced and shared to shareholders at the end of the financial year.
The shares are for life or when you cease to be a member of Nassara, it can be sold